Our clients

Learn about the clients who have placed their trust in DARUMA

Comprehensive client list

What they say about us

We are very happy with the quality of DARUMA’s work and their efforts to introduce the Japanese language and culture.
Hiroyuki Ueno
The Japan Foundation, Madrid
They respect deadlines, the quality of their translations is excellent and their care for works is as good as if they belonged to them. They adapt easily and sensibly. Working with professionals like them is a pleasure.
David Hernando
Managing Editor
Planeta deAgostini Comics - Grupo Planeta
The relief that derives from relying on absolutely trustworthy professionals, with knowledge, implication and perseverance, whom one can consider as part of the family is the key of this group of people who make up DARUMA.
Francisco Gratacós
General Director
LUK Internacional, SA

Cookie policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is stored on your computer when you visit certain websites. Cookies enable a website, among other things, to store and recover information about the browsing habits of a user or their device and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which the device is used, they can be used for user recognition.

Why are they called cookies?

The origin of the word comes from a fairy tale.The story of Hansel and Gretel in which a brother and a sister leave a trail of cookie crumbs in order to find their way home. The cookie crumbs therefore become little bits of information for the siblings, just like an internet cookie.

What cookies are used on our website?

Google Analytics: collects anonymous information about how users interact on our website. That is, it informs us of the site trends without identifying the users. Google Adwords: allows us to show our ads to people who have visited our website before. It also does not identify users. Google Doubleclick.net: allows us to configure different ads in relation to the page visited on our website in order to show the most appropriate information to the visitor by offering the perfect message to the most suitable audience.

How can I clear cookies?

You can allow, check, block or clear cookies installed on your device by going to ‘Settings’ on the computer’s browser and selecting the options.