Editorial translation
Manga · Books · Novels · Manhwa · Installments · Essays · Fiction
We specialize in the translation and localization into Spanish of editorial products produced in Japan, especially manga, novels and popular books. We have 20 years of translating experience, bridging the gap for readers of Japanese products (and now Korean too) in our country. We have done so with creativity and rigor, handling the cultural references according to the profile of each project’s specific target audience.
Audiovisual translation
Movies · Adjustment · Subtitles · Series · Documental
We translate all audiovisual projects, from feature films to bulletins, for a variety of screens and platforms. From large-format cinema to a mobile phone screen. We also offer services inevitably linked to audiovisual translation, such as subtitling to and from Japanese as well as on-screen adjustment.
Manga · Books · Magazines · Triptychs and promos · Promos
We offer comprehensive design services for comic books, books and magazines: fonts, cover design, adjusting onomatopoeias and the adaptation and total revamping of the work until it is ready for printing in the target language. With letterset and design professionals who specialize in publishing, especially comics and illustrated books.
Education · Espai Daruma
Language · Translation · Culture
In Espai Daruma, Daruma's online school, for the past ten years we have been training the next rising stars in the world of all that is Japanese. Throughout the academic year we offer Japanese classes (all levels), translation (manga, anime, literature...) and Japanese culture. The classes are imparted by reputable teachers in their fields of expertise. We create tailor-made programs for companies, universities and any other interested entities, as well as online and in-person workshops.
Links · Consecutive · Simultaneous · Whisper · Online
We offer oral translation for fairs, congresses and meetings of all kinds in the language needed, be it Japanese, English or Spanish. Our interpreters have a deep understanding of the Spanish and Japanese languages and protocols, and work to facilitate effective communication in accordance with the situation and context. We set up and coordinate teams of several interpreters and escorts at fairs and congresses.
Consulting and PMP
Editorial projects · Events · Teams · Quality Control
We offer consultancy for the creation of work teams for editorial projects, audiovisuals or events linked to all things Japanese. We follow up and do quality control of these projects and actions. We also offer guidance on etiquette and protocol issues, and escorts for commercial trips and official delegations.
Document translation
Mailing · Catalogues · Web
We translate all kinds of documents. We evaluate the volume to be translated and offer an estimated time frame and budget. We also offer tracking and final quality control in the case of layout texts (catalogues, triptychs, websites).

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The origin of the word comes from a fairy tale.The story of Hansel and Gretel in which a brother and a sister leave a trail of cookie crumbs in order to find their way home. The cookie crumbs therefore become little bits of information for the siblings, just like an internet cookie.

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