Marc Bernabé
Japanese translator, interpreter and promoter of Japanese language and modern culture.
Since the year 2000, Marc has translated hundreds of manga volumes and anime episodes, among them works by authors such as Osamu Tezuka, Akira Toriyama or Tsugumi Ohba/Takeshi Obata.

After a 5-year stay in Japan, he specialized in language and Japanese culture didactics for Spanish speakers. He is the author of the Japanese in MangaLand series (Japan Publications Trading, 4 books, 2004-2006) and Apuntes de Japón (Glénat, 2002); and coauthor of the Kanji in MangaLand series (Japan Publications Trading, 2 books, 2007-2009), Kanji para recordar (Herder, 3 books, 2001-2004), Hanzi para recordar (Herder, 2 books, 2009) and the travel guide Rumbo a Japón (Laertes, 2005). His books have been published in several languages.

Since 2007 he also carries out work as an active promoter of Japanese culture by means of his blog, as a lecturer in several countries and as a cultural adviser for official bodies.

Madrid · Barcelona · Osaka · Yokohama · Kyoto
Osaka University of Foreign Studies · Kyoto University of Foreign Studies · University of Poitiers · University Autonoma of Barcelona
Manga/anime translation · Localization · Interpreting · Dissemination

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